Handmade in Sterling silver 925 in the workshop in Athens.
The Olympic Flame is one of the most famous Olympic symbols. This comes from ancient Greece, where the fire was connected to the gods. To honour the gods, there was a fire in many of the sanctuaries in Olympia and all the time a fire was burning on Hestia’s altar. According to Greek mythology, people got the first fire as Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give to humans. Zeus was furious when he found out and punished Prometheus hard. As punishment for the people, he sent Pandora. Pandora was sent to Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus, along with a gift Pandora’s box. When she came into the human world, she opened the box, so most of the box contents (‘evil’ and ‘illness’, etc.) were released. Only ‘hope’ was in the box at a time, but it was also released at the end. The first Olympic Games were held for more than 2000 years ago. They took place in Greece, where the ancient Greeks competed every four years in honour of the god Zeus. Myths and stories from the ancient Olympic Games is still alive and is helping to make the Olympics special. In approx. 1500 years went almost into oblivion, but in 1896 began what we call the modern Olympic Games. Since then, the Games have been held every four years.