Antimilos is a blue Murano charm with flowers.
The Greek island of Antimilos is located in the Cyclades. The island is about 8 km2 and is uninhabited. The island is a volcanic island and in ancient times the crater was used by residents as a rainwater tank. The island’s only inhabitants are a variation of the goat “Capra aegagrus pictus”. The memorial is reminiscent of the Cretan goat “kri-kri”.
This charm has a Sterling silver 925 core.
Melina collects the original Murano glass on the Murano islands and ships it to the workshop in Copenhagen. At the workshop, she uses the glass to create tiny Murano charm art. Every bead is handmade and unique.
Murano glass is made on the Murano islands. The Murano islands consist of 7 islands and are located about 1,5 km from Venice. Murano is known for its glass factory, which opened in the 1200-century. The production was moved from Venice because of fire hazards.